Lesson 2

Lesson Plan 2

Introduction of the לדבר pattern, present and past tenses.  The concept of the “Structural  Dagesh” is introduced.

Downloads: Pages 3-5, with respective answer sheets

Lesson Plan: In this lesson you learn a new pattern from The Master Plan.  You learn both the present and past tenses.  In addition, the concept of a “structural dagesh” is explained.  “Structural dagesh” is the terminology that I created to give a name to a dagesh (dot) when it appears in the second root letter (NOT the 2nd letter) in the case of this pattern.  “Structural” suggests that the dagesh must be there!  This awareness will help us to identify the form, and to pronounce it properly.

Complete pages 3, 4, and 5.

Length: 7:54

Exercise 3

Answer Sheet 3

Exercise 4

Answer Sheet 4

Exercise 5

Answer Sheet 5

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